New book releases receive new look on your Dashboard

Reblogged from BookLikes:


What do book lovers love the most? Books, of course. But what more? New books! There's noting more exciting than a new installment in a gripping book series, long awaited title from your favorite author (George R.R. Martin, we're still waiting!), and discovering a new writer with a brilliant debut publication. Now you'll have a better insight into new book releases which are added not only to the Book Release Calendar on BookLikes but also highlighted on your Dashboard. 


If you'd like to share the titles you're waiting for with your followers and other book lovers, add them to the Book Release Calendar on BookLikes - click the upper menu and then Events. 


Now each new book entry added to the release calendar will be highlighted on Dashboard, and therefore better discovered by readers following your blog.


The new look of Dashboard new release entries presents more book details and allows you to peep into the book release calendar on the go. The new release note includes the expected publication date, book title and author, and the description of the event.



If you'd like to receive a publication alert about a title you're impatiently waiting for, join the event. To join the book release event, click Join on the left or click the event title and join on the release page. 



Thanks to the notification that will be sent to you on the publication day you won't miss a thing in the publishing calendar. 


Plus, if you join the event, the notification about your support will be published on Dashboard of your followers. This kind of social book recommendation is an excellent way of discovering new titles and spreading the book news around. 


You can also recommend the title to your friends by inviting them to join the event -- click Invite and send them an invitation e-mail or a notification on BookLikes. 




Remember that a new release page can be customized and personalized. Go crazy and make it look special and unique -- you can also share the release pages on your social media and recommend the upcoming titles by inviting your friends to the event. It's a great way to support your favorite authors and promote the upcoming releases.


If you've missed our previous post about this topic, click here: Share Book Events on BookLikes: Book Release Calendar (Part One)