Who is Excessica? And why are they caving in to bullies? {ReBlog}

The digest version, I think:


Jenny Trout speaks her mind about a racist/rapist book.  Jenny Trout encourages readers to let booksellers know how vile the book is and encourage them not to sell it.


Anne Rice puts pressure on Excessica, who is apparently (I didn't do any real research; it's late and I'm tired) a publisher, not to publish Jenny Trout's book in a boxed set, Bad Boy Next Door.


Excessica caves to Anne Rice's bullying and pulls Jenny Trout's book from the boxed set.


Jenny Trout's fellow authors stand up to Anne Rice's bullying and pull their own books from the boxed set.


I don't know who or what Excessica is, but I don't like them and I won't support them.


They're spineless worms.